The Tarthean Civilization was an ancient interstellar civilization beleive to be among the first to discover interstellar travel through the use of Horizon Drives. The Tarthean Civilization is largely made up of the Tarthean species.
Tartheans went extinct a million years ago, and they no longer take part in the interstellar affairs of the Galaxy. However their artifacts remain and scatter the galaxy with technology more advanced and developed than modern factions of the galaxy.
One of the most unique characteristics of the Tartheans is their technology. Tarthean technology is very advanced, portraying fundamentally different methods of manufacturing, wiring, and structural integrity.
Most Tarthean technology lacks interfaces, and all their technology seems to be interfaced with telepathy. The closest technology in the galaxy to that of the Protheans is the highly advanced technology of the conduits. However, this still pales in comparison to what has been found among the Tartheans, making them highly valuable and a subject of study that remains a mystery.
A Tarthean robot more closely resembles a constructed organic being but is still a machine. Their technology has been described as the perfect blend of organic and mechanical design.
Remains of Tartheans have been found inside the cockpit of Tarthean titans. Their armor was made out of a highly durable translucent shell, and the numerous finds suggest that the outfit was associated with Tarthean pilots.
"Titans" is the name given to the advanced Tarthean exoskeletons found among their remains.
Titans are 6 meters in height and conform to a humanoid frame. The exact function and purpose of the Titans is unknown. Military functionality is hypothesized, but due to the nature of Tarthean technology, the exact functionality is very hard to determine, and the finer details are still being uncovered.
Like other Tarthean technology, the mech is constructed with advanced technologies. The frame consists of a near-skeleton-like structure, wiring is minimal, and on the surface, it appears more like art than engineering, but this is true for all Tarthean technology.
The cockpit had the pilot seated, with very few controls or interfaces. It is suspected that Tartheans used telepathic communication or a directed neural link to control the Titans, effectively becoming an extension of themselves.
Tarthean starships are rare, and only a handful have been found. It is clear from the evidence that they had a great mastery of FTL travel, using similar methods to modern Horizon drives.
Their starships, even though massive in size, seem to have been crewed by very few individuals. They have a lack of traditional weaponry like cannons or missiles, but weapons similar to lasers or wave amplifiers have been found.
The Tartheans are now long gone, and they have only left us their ancient technology with no obvious path to reigniting what once was.
Their technology seems to defy conventions of modern science, and only now are archaeologists, engineers, and physicists beginning to understand the implications of their technology.
Perhaps one day we will see these magnificent machines fly once more.